
DERO Technical Services
Elementary Scheduling w/Excel

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There are numerous ways to schedule your school. Certainly you can use PowerScheduler or roll over your schedule and tweak it from year to year. Those schools with expertise in Excel may also be interested in an importing method. Once the budget is set and well before End of Year takes place in PowerSchool, districts using Excel begin to tweak their Excel spreadsheet from year to year. Once staff (ideally someone proficient with that schedule) knows the teachers, periods and days of the week shared staff might be in their building, Excel works like a charm.

View the PowerPoint presentation for an overview of the process and feel free to use any of the handouts I have developed throughout the years.Thanks for visiting the site. Resources on my site are the intellectual properties of myself and DERO Technical Services and are viable to my continued success. School districts will always be able to download any of the resources from Derotechnical.com and use them for their staff. Companies wishing to use them must contact me first to ensure their use doesn't do irreparable harm to my business. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Bob Cornacchioli, CEO
DERO Technical Services

PowerPoints for I-PSUG June 14,2022

Scheduling ParkBench Visual PST Implementing Standards




PowerPoint presentation on Elementary Scheduling with Excel for:

PSUG 19 - Elementary School Scheduling with Excel

Explanation of Section Screen and the Import Spreadsheet (PDF)

GSIS Elementary Scheduling PPT

Exporting from Section's Table

New Free PSISJS Scheduling PPT New

New Scheduling Template for PSUG-MA 4/8/20 New

Scheduling Template

Please feel free to modify for your own district as needed

logoMass Enroll (pdf)
logoHand Enroll (pdf)
logoDependency Quick Study Guide (pdf)
logoSample Excel Scheduling Spreadsheet (xlsx)
logoDERO Technical Scheduling Planning Form (4/27/20 updated)