
DERO Technical Services
Project-Based Consulting

About Us
Report Cards

Welcome to DERO Technical Services, a site created and maintained by Bob Cornacchioli. I recently retired from Shrewsbury Public Schools where I served as the Director of Technology and Media Services for 16 years, in addition to being the PowerSchool Administrator for the last six years. Also during my tenure as director I supervised three building projects (2 New, 1 Renovation).

In keeping with the spirit of the PowerSchool user community, that all of us have relied on for years, I offer up any of my resources. Explore the links above and take what you need.

logoAbout Us - Actually, It's About Bob
logoScheduling - Elementary Scheduling with Excel - Considerations - Planning Materials and PPTs
logoStandards - Creating and Implementing Standards - Planning Materials and PPTs
logoReport Cards - Standards-Based Report Card Samples & Tips and Tricks for Creating Standards-Based Report Cards
NewReportWorks vs. Object Reports - If I needed to create a standard-based report card which should I use?
logoResources - Partnership Links
logoConferences - PowerSchool User Group Conferences
logoServices - Project-Based Consulting - PowerSchool, Professional Development
logoTestimonials - What Others are Saying

Thanks for visiting the site. The resources on my site are the intellectual properties of myself and DERO Technical Services and are viable to my continued success. School districts will always be able to download any of the resources from Derotechnical.com and use them for their staff. Companies wishing to use them must contact me first to ensure their use doesn't do irreparable harm to my business. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. If you have any questions, are interested in free quotes on any services or looking for presenters at your upcoming user group conferences, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Bob Cornacchioli, CEO
DERO Technical Services